Joe Albanese
Head of Video
Joe is Head of Video for both BlackRook Media and our sister company, BlackRook Academy. He’s been a part of the BlackRook family for more than 7 years now, and his work with us has run the gamut – from current affairs broadcast TV to live events to corporate video from sectors as varied as medical technology, leisure, agriculture, and finance.

As a tutor with our Academy team his focus is on the production and post-production elements of content creation. The smartphone has democratized access to high-end video tools at a global scale that many of us never saw coming a decade ago. The way it has progressed in leaps and bounds has been astonishing.
For the most part, we all now carry with us, at all times, everything we need to shoot and edit engaging and professional-grade video content in our pockets. The possibilities for storytelling and the voices that this accesses allows us to hear which would otherwise go unheard. Joe’s passion is spreading that knowledge, teaching those practical skills, to as many people as we can.
In addition to his work as a craft editor and producer with BlackRook, Joe also works as a support mentor for students in higher education with SEN and has certifications from the National Autistic Society. He’s also a screenwriter and has a master’s degree in Feature Film Development, so at any given time is developing projects to pitch for production.